You may have heard we have a new computer system. If you’re one of our patrons who places orders online, checks the catalog online for comprehensive lists of books, or you’re curious about a more convenient way to order books, we have a new process for you!
We’re going to need your participation on this one. In order to set it up, follow these steps:
- Call us!
- We need to set up a NEW username and password for your entry to the catalog. We’re available Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM. Our toll free number: 1-800-242-0586
- Check your email.
- We will send you a TEMPORARY PASSWORD so that you can customize a password for yourself in our new system. The email with your temporary password will have a link for you to follow to find our new database.
- Reset your password.
- This system has different parameters for your password. It must be 16 characters long, but that’s it! (example: thecatalogisgood) (another example: RockandRollRocks!)
- Log in- and explore!
- This new catalog is leaps and bounds ahead of our old one. In here, you can actually keep track of what you have requested, and what you have already received.
- It is also color coded to show you what books are available (black), what are currently out of stock (blue) , and which books we don’t have copies of at this time (red). If you want a red book, give us a call!
- Call us!
- If you have questions, get locked out of your account, want to check the status of a request or series, we can help you along the way.
We look forward to hearing from you!