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Get a Library Card


Your library card does more than give you access to materials from 43 libraries across the county! Use library computers for school, work or fun. Download and stream digital content to your phone or eReader via our library eResources. Get information from library research databases—everything from language courses to test prep, genealogy and car repair.

You can obtain a library card by registering in person or online.

To obtain a library card in person, stop by any Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh location and register by presenting an accepted form of photo ID. If your photo ID does not include your address or contact information, we will ask you to provide that information at that time.

The following are acceptable forms of photo ID (must be current) to use for library registration purposes:

  • PA driver’s license
  • PA identification card
  • Other US state’s driver’s license
  • Expired PA driver’s license, if accompanied by local address verification (see policy)
  • Passport
  • State ID
  • Military ID
  • Work ID
  • Student ID
  • Work Visa
  • Green Card

For additional information on acceptable forms of ID see our Library Card Registration Policy.

Adult Allegheny County residents 18 and over can register for a library card online and receive full borrowing privileges for print and electronic materials. Teens 13 and up can use the same form, and receive a card allowing access to CLP’s eResources and holds in the library catalog. Once you successfully validate your information through the online system, you will receive a card number. You can convert this number to a scannable barcode using an app like Stocard.

Patrons who fail the online validation check will receive a temporary card number which can be used to place holds and access some online resources. You can validate and receive your permanent library card when you visit any Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh location. Validation requires that you present photo identification. If you do not receive your permanent card within 30 days, your registration will expire.

Special library cards are also available for local educators, businesses and community organizations. University students registering for a card online should register using their local Allegheny County address.


Pennsylvania Residents: You are eligible for a free library card. This card can be used at any Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh location, all public libraries in Allegheny County, and for online resources. As long as you use your card every two years it will remain active.

Financial responsibility for the library card of a minor falls to the adult that registers and signs for the card. Please see age-related details below:

Minor Children Birth-12 years old must be accompanied by an adult willing to present ID and sign for the account. A parental/guardian notification may be sent by mail upon request.

Minor Children 13-17 years old  may register for their own account with a school ID, report card, proof of address, or other identification. A parent/guardian notification will be sent by mail.

Out-of-State Residents: As a resident outside of Pennsylvania, you will be asked to pay a $30.00 “Out-of-State” fee to register for a library card. This card must be renewed every two years—with a new $30.00 fee—to ensure continued access.

Educators and Child Care Providers: K-12 educators or child care providers who work in Allegheny County may be eligible for a Teacher Library Card.

Local Agencies: Social service organizations, companies and corporations operating within Allegheny County may be eligible for an Agency Library Card in order to borrow materials for use with clients or participants.

Lost Library Cards

If you lose your card or you suspect that it has been stolen, report the missing card immediately. Call 412.622.3114.

An expired card can be reactivated with an acceptable form of ID at any CLP location.

Teacher Library Card

Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh offers a variety of special services, materials and resources for teachers and school librarians. Elementary, middle or high school educators or child care providers, non-traditional educators, student teachers and other individuals who work in early childhood or daycare centers are eligible for a Teacher Card.

  • Teacher Cards allow you to keep your personal borrowing needs separate from the items you borrow for classroom use.
  • While you remain financially responsible for the items on this card, keeping items separate can help you if you seek reimbursement from your school or organization for lost or damaged items.
  • A Teacher Card may be used at any Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh location. See our Borrowing page for more information.

To apply for a Teacher Card you will need to visit the Library in person and bring with you:

  • A letter on institutional letterhead signed by the principal or director indicating your status as an employee for the current or upcoming school year or a recent pay-stub that includes your name, current address and school.
  • Current photo ID.
  • This card must be renewed every two years at any CLP location.

How do I obtain library cards for my students?
As of the 2024-2025 school year, all PPS students received a library card through CardFest. Questions about CardFest? Click here.

Not a PPS school? Use this link to submit a request for a group Library Card Sign Up.

Agency Library Card

Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh offers a variety of special services, materials and resources that may be of use to clients or participants of local agencies. Social service organizations, companies and corporations operating within Allegheny County may be eligible for an Agency Library Card.

  • Agency Cards allow you to keep your personal borrowing needs separate from the items you borrow for your employer or agency you represent.
  • The agency will be financially responsible for the items on this card and any bills that are generated will be sent to the address of the agency as listed on the application.
  • An Agency Card may be used at any Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh location. See our Borrowing page for more information.

To apply for an Agency Card you will need to visit a CLP location in person and bring with you:

How do I obtain library cards for clients or participants?
Library cards are free for Allegheny County residents. Please contact a library staff member at any Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh location about obtaining cards for your clients or participants.


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