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Business Networking Nights at Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh

Do you have a great business or product idea and don’t know where to start? Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh has the resources. The Job and Career Education Center, located on the Second Floor of CLP – Main, offers small business assistance to entrepreneurs. We provide personalized appointments to assist with business plans, demographics, market and industry analysis, market and client lists and much more, all at no cost.

CLP subscribes to numerous databases that can assist you with your research. You can use the databases at any CLP neighborhood library location, and even access them from home or the office with a library card. Our Business Librarians also have a large network of partners that they can tell you about and refer you to. Pittsburgh has a great Entrepreneurial Ecosystem!

CLP is also a great place for budding entrepreneurs to network. We have many network opportunities with our business programming, including the new Business Networking Nights listed below. Stop in to pick up a flyer, check out our events online, or call us today for more information or an appointment at 412.622.3133.

Upcoming Business Networking Nights


September–Networking Series 1:  Financing a Small Business
September 18th 6-8 PM
Speaker: David Miller
Come join us for our first of three networking events.  Our presenter will be David Miller from Enterprise Bank.  Come and learn options on financing your dream.  There will be an opportunity to network with representatives from around the area to learn about their financial assistance and products.

October-Networking Series 2: Minorities and Small Business
October 16th 6-8 PM
Speaker: Mark Sotomayor

Mark is the Founder of Treecup, which is an eco-friendly iced tea company that plants trees in Haiti. Come and learn Mark’s story and journey of becoming an entrepreneur. There will be an opportunity to network with representatives from around the area that also assist and support small businesses.

November-Networking Series 3: Direct Sales with emphasis on marketing
November 20th 6-8 PM
Speaker: Cullen Richardson

Social Media is just talking to people. Do you think they know you’re having a sale? Launching a new product? I can guarantee most of them don’t. Their attention is spread too thin. We need to re-learn how to talk to our customers, what works and what doesn’t work — because growing our business is our goal!

Cullen Richardson is the Chief Content Officer at Equity Bolt, of Denver, Colorado and the Founder of Rich House Media. He is the Co-Owner and CMO of The Loveliest Coffee & Clothes in Sewickley.

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